* Copyright (C) 2014-2020 ServMask Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
* ███████╗███████╗██████╗ ██╗ ██╗███╗ ███╗ █████╗ ███████╗██╗ ██╗
* ██╔════╝██╔════╝██╔══██╗██║ ██║████╗ ████║██╔══██╗██╔════╝██║ ██╔╝
* ███████╗█████╗ ██████╔╝██║ ██║██╔████╔██║███████║███████╗█████╔╝
* ╚════██║██╔══╝ ██╔══██╗╚██╗ ██╔╝██║╚██╔╝██║██╔══██║╚════██║██╔═██╗
* ███████║███████╗██║ ██║ ╚████╔╝ ██║ ╚═╝ ██║██║ ██║███████║██║ ██╗
* ╚══════╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═══╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
die( 'Kangaroos cannot jump here' );
* Get storage absolute path
* @param array $params Request parameters
* @return string
function ai1wm_storage_path( $params ) {
if ( empty( $params['storage'] ) ) {
throw new Ai1wm_Storage_Exception( __( 'Unable to locate storage path. Technical details ', AI1WM_PLUGIN_NAME ) );
// Get storage path
$storage = AI1WM_STORAGE_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename( $params['storage'] );
if ( ! is_dir( $storage ) ) {
mkdir( $storage );
return $storage;
* Get backup absolute path
* @param array $params Request parameters
* @return string
function ai1wm_backup_path( $params ) {
if ( empty( $params['archive'] ) ) {
throw new Ai1wm_Archive_Exception( __( 'Unable to locate archive path. Technical details ', AI1WM_PLUGIN_NAME ) );
// Validate archive path
if ( validate_file( $params['archive'] ) !== 0 ) {
throw new Ai1wm_Archive_Exception( __( 'Invalid archive path. Technical details ', AI1WM_PLUGIN_NAME ) );
return AI1WM_BACKUPS_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $params['archive'];
* Get archive absolute path
* @param array $params Request parameters
* @return string
function ai1wm_archive_path( $params ) {
if ( empty( $params['archive'] ) ) {
throw new Ai1wm_Archive_Exception( __( 'Unable to locate archive path. Technical details ', AI1WM_PLUGIN_NAME ) );
// Validate archive path
if ( validate_file( $params['archive'] ) !== 0 ) {
throw new Ai1wm_Archive_Exception( __( 'Invalid archive path. Technical details ', AI1WM_PLUGIN_NAME ) );
// Get archive path
if ( empty( $params['ai1wm_manual_restore'] ) ) {
return ai1wm_storage_path( $params ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $params['archive'];
return ai1wm_backup_path( $params );
* Get multipart.list absolute path
* @param array $params Request parameters
* @return string
function ai1wm_multipart_path( $params ) {
return ai1wm_storage_path( $params ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . AI1WM_MULTIPART_NAME;
* Get content.list absolute path
* @param array $params Request parameters
* @return string
function ai1wm_content_list_path( $params ) {
return ai1wm_storage_path( $params ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . AI1WM_CONTENT_LIST_NAME;
* Get media.list absolute path
* @param array $params Request parameters
* @return string
function ai1wm_media_list_path( $params ) {
return ai1wm_storage_path( $params ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . AI1WM_MEDIA_LIST_NAME;
* Get plugins.list absolute path
* @param array $params Request parameters
* @return string
function ai1wm_plugins_list_path( $params ) {
return ai1wm_storage_path( $params ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . AI1WM_PLUGINS_LIST_NAME;
* Get tables.list absolute path
* @param array $params Request parameters
* @return string
function ai1wm_tables_list_path( $params ) {
return ai1wm_storage_path( $params ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . AI1WM_TABLES_LIST_NAME;
* Get package.json absolute path
* @param array $params Request parameters
* @return string
function ai1wm_package_path( $params ) {
return ai1wm_storage_path( $params ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . AI1WM_PACKAGE_NAME;
* Get multisite.json absolute path
* @param array $params Request parameters
* @return string
function ai1wm_multisite_path( $params ) {
return ai1wm_storage_path( $params ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . AI1WM_MULTISITE_NAME;
* Get blogs.json absolute path
* @param array $params Request parameters
* @return string
function ai1wm_blogs_path( $params ) {
return ai1wm_storage_path( $params ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . AI1WM_BLOGS_NAME;
* Get settings.json absolute path
* @param array $params Request parameters
* @return string
function ai1wm_settings_path( $params ) {
return ai1wm_storage_path( $params ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . AI1WM_SETTINGS_NAME;
* Get database.sql absolute path
* @param array $params Request parameters
* @return string
function ai1wm_database_path( $params ) {
return ai1wm_storage_path( $params ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . AI1WM_DATABASE_NAME;
* Get cookies.txt absolute path
* @param array $params Request parameters
* @return string
function ai1wm_cookies_path( $params ) {
return ai1wm_storage_path( $params ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . AI1WM_COOKIES_NAME;
* Get error log absolute path
* @return string
function ai1wm_error_path() {
* Get archive name
* @param array $params Request parameters
* @return string
function ai1wm_archive_name( $params ) {
return basename( $params['archive'] );
* Get backup URL address
* @param array $params Request parameters
* @return string
function ai1wm_backup_url( $params ) {
return AI1WM_BACKUPS_URL . '/' . ai1wm_replace_directory_separator_with_forward_slash( $params['archive'] );
* Get archive size in bytes
* @param array $params Request parameters
* @return integer
function ai1wm_archive_bytes( $params ) {
return filesize( ai1wm_archive_path( $params ) );
* Get backup size in bytes
* @param array $params Request parameters
* @return integer
function ai1wm_backup_bytes( $params ) {
return filesize( ai1wm_backup_path( $params ) );
* Get database size in bytes
* @param array $params Request parameters
* @return integer
function ai1wm_database_bytes( $params ) {
return filesize( ai1wm_database_path( $params ) );
* Get package size in bytes
* @param array $params Request parameters
* @return integer
function ai1wm_package_bytes( $params ) {
return filesize( ai1wm_package_path( $params ) );
* Get multisite size in bytes
* @param array $params Request parameters
* @return integer
function ai1wm_multisite_bytes( $params ) {
return filesize( ai1wm_multisite_path( $params ) );
* Get archive size as text
* @param array $params Request parameters
* @return string
function ai1wm_archive_size( $params ) {
return ai1wm_size_format( filesize( ai1wm_archive_path( $params ) ) );
* Get backup size as text
* @param array $params Request parameters
* @return string
function ai1wm_backup_size( $params ) {
return ai1wm_size_format( filesize( ai1wm_backup_path( $params ) ) );
* Parse file size
* @param string $size File size
* @param string $default Default size
* @return string
function ai1wm_parse_size( $size, $default = null ) {
$suffixes = array(
'' => 1,
'k' => 1000,
'm' => 1000000,
'g' => 1000000000,
// Parse size format
if ( preg_match( '/([0-9]+)\s*(k|m|g)?(b?(ytes?)?)/i', $size, $matches ) ) {
return $matches[1] * $suffixes[ strtolower( $matches[2] ) ];
return $default;
* Format file size into human-readable string
* Fixes the WP size_format bug: size_format( '0' ) => false
* @param int|string $bytes Number of bytes. Note max integer size for integers.
* @param int $decimals Optional. Precision of number of decimal places. Default 0.
* @return string|false False on failure. Number string on success.
function ai1wm_size_format( $bytes, $decimals = 0 ) {
if ( strval( $bytes ) === '0' ) {
return size_format( 0, $decimals );
return size_format( $bytes, $decimals );
* Get current site name
* @param integer $blog_id Blog ID
* @return string
function ai1wm_site_name( $blog_id = null ) {
return parse_url( get_site_url( $blog_id ), PHP_URL_HOST );
* Get archive file name
* @param integer $blog_id Blog ID
* @return string
function ai1wm_archive_file( $blog_id = null ) {
$name = array();
// Add domain
$name[] = parse_url( get_site_url( $blog_id ), PHP_URL_HOST );
// Add path
if ( ( $path = explode( '/', parse_url( get_site_url( $blog_id ), PHP_URL_PATH ) ) ) ) {
foreach ( $path as $directory ) {
if ( $directory ) {
$name[] = $directory;
// Add year, month and day
$name[] = date( 'Ymd' );
// Add hours, minutes and seconds
$name[] = date( 'His' );
// Add unique identifier
$name[] = ai1wm_generate_random_string( 6, false );
return sprintf( '%s.wpress', strtolower( implode( '-', $name ) ) );
* Get archive folder name
* @param integer $blog_id Blog ID
* @return string
function ai1wm_archive_folder( $blog_id = null ) {
$name = array();
// Add domain
$name[] = parse_url( get_site_url( $blog_id ), PHP_URL_HOST );
// Add path
if ( ( $path = explode( '/', parse_url( get_site_url( $blog_id ), PHP_URL_PATH ) ) ) ) {
foreach ( $path as $directory ) {
if ( $directory ) {
$name[] = $directory;
return strtolower( implode( '-', $name ) );
* Get archive bucket name
* @param integer $blog_id Blog ID
* @return string
function ai1wm_archive_bucket( $blog_id = null ) {
$name = array();
// Add domain
if ( ( $domain = explode( '.', parse_url( get_site_url( $blog_id ), PHP_URL_HOST ) ) ) ) {
foreach ( $domain as $subdomain ) {
if ( $subdomain = strtolower( preg_replace( '/[^A-Za-z0-9\-]/', '', $subdomain ) ) ) {
$name[] = $subdomain;
// Add path
if ( ( $path = explode( '/', parse_url( get_site_url( $blog_id ), PHP_URL_PATH ) ) ) ) {
foreach ( $path as $directory ) {
if ( $directory = strtolower( preg_replace( '/[^A-Za-z0-9\-]/', '', $directory ) ) ) {
$name[] = $directory;
return strtolower( implode( '-', $name ) );
* Get archive vault name
* @param integer $blog_id Blog ID
* @return string
function ai1wm_archive_vault( $blog_id = null ) {
$name = array();
// Add domain
if ( ( $domain = explode( '.', parse_url( get_site_url( $blog_id ), PHP_URL_HOST ) ) ) ) {
foreach ( $domain as $subdomain ) {
if ( $subdomain = strtolower( preg_replace( '/[^A-Za-z0-9\-]/', '', $subdomain ) ) ) {
$name[] = $subdomain;
// Add path
if ( ( $path = explode( '/', parse_url( get_site_url( $blog_id ), PHP_URL_PATH ) ) ) ) {
foreach ( $path as $directory ) {
if ( $directory = strtolower( preg_replace( '/[^A-Za-z0-9\-]/', '', $directory ) ) ) {
$name[] = $directory;
return strtolower( implode( '-', $name ) );
* Get archive project name
* @param integer $blog_id Blog ID
* @return string
function ai1wm_archive_project( $blog_id = null ) {
$name = array();
// Add domain
if ( ( $domain = explode( '.', parse_url( get_site_url( $blog_id ), PHP_URL_HOST ) ) ) ) {
foreach ( $domain as $subdomain ) {
if ( $subdomain ) {
$name[] = $subdomain;
// Add path
if ( ( $path = explode( '/', parse_url( get_site_url( $blog_id ), PHP_URL_PATH ) ) ) ) {
foreach ( $path as $directory ) {
if ( $directory ) {
$name[] = $directory;
return strtolower( implode( '-', $name ) );
* Get archive share name
* @param integer $blog_id Blog ID
* @return string
function ai1wm_archive_share( $blog_id = null ) {
$name = array();
// Add domain
if ( ( $domain = explode( '.', parse_url( get_site_url( $blog_id ), PHP_URL_HOST ) ) ) ) {
foreach ( $domain as $subdomain ) {
if ( $subdomain = strtolower( preg_replace( '/[^A-Za-z0-9\-]/', '', $subdomain ) ) ) {
$name[] = $subdomain;
// Add path
if ( ( $path = explode( '/', parse_url( get_site_url( $blog_id ), PHP_URL_PATH ) ) ) ) {
foreach ( $path as $directory ) {
if ( $directory = strtolower( preg_replace( '/[^A-Za-z0-9\-]/', '', $directory ) ) ) {
$name[] = $directory;
return strtolower( implode( '-', $name ) );
* Generate random string
* @param integer $length String length
* @param boolean $mixed_chars Whether to include mixed characters
* @param boolean $special_chars Whether to include special characters
* @param boolean $extra_special_chars Whether to include extra special characters
* @return string
function ai1wm_generate_random_string( $length = 12, $mixed_chars = true, $special_chars = false, $extra_special_chars = false ) {
$chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';
if ( $mixed_chars ) {
if ( $special_chars ) {
$chars .= '!@#$%^&*()';
if ( $extra_special_chars ) {
$chars .= '-_ []{}<>~`+=,.;:/?|';
$str = '';
for ( $i = 0; $i < $length; $i++ ) {
$str .= substr( $chars, wp_rand( 0, strlen( $chars ) - 1 ), 1 );
return $str;
* Get storage folder name
* @return string
function ai1wm_storage_folder() {
return uniqid();
* Check whether blog ID is main site
* @param integer $blog_id Blog ID
* @return boolean
function ai1wm_is_mainsite( $blog_id = null ) {
return $blog_id === null || $blog_id === 0 || $blog_id === 1;
* Get files absolute path by blog ID
* @param integer $blog_id Blog ID
* @return string
function ai1wm_blog_files_abspath( $blog_id = null ) {
if ( ai1wm_is_mainsite( $blog_id ) ) {
return ai1wm_get_uploads_dir();
* Get blogs.dir absolute path by blog ID
* @param integer $blog_id Blog ID
* @return string
function ai1wm_blog_blogsdir_abspath( $blog_id = null ) {
if ( ai1wm_is_mainsite( $blog_id ) ) {
return ai1wm_get_uploads_dir();
* Get sites absolute path by blog ID
* @param integer $blog_id Blog ID
* @return string
function ai1wm_blog_sites_abspath( $blog_id = null ) {
if ( ai1wm_is_mainsite( $blog_id ) ) {
return ai1wm_get_uploads_dir();
return ai1wm_get_uploads_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'sites' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $blog_id;
* Get files relative path by blog ID
* @param integer $blog_id Blog ID
* @return string
function ai1wm_blog_files_relpath( $blog_id = null ) {
if ( ai1wm_is_mainsite( $blog_id ) ) {
return 'uploads';
return 'blogs.dir' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $blog_id . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'files';
* Get blogs.dir relative path by blog ID
* @param integer $blog_id Blog ID
* @return string
function ai1wm_blog_blogsdir_relpath( $blog_id = null ) {
if ( ai1wm_is_mainsite( $blog_id ) ) {
return 'uploads';
return 'blogs.dir' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $blog_id;
* Get sites relative path by blog ID
* @param integer $blog_id Blog ID
* @return string
function ai1wm_blog_sites_relpath( $blog_id = null ) {
if ( ai1wm_is_mainsite( $blog_id ) ) {
return 'uploads';
return 'uploads' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'sites' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $blog_id;
* Get files URL by blog ID
* @param integer $blog_id Blog ID
* @return string
function ai1wm_blog_files_url( $blog_id = null ) {
if ( ai1wm_is_mainsite( $blog_id ) ) {
return '/wp-content/uploads/';
return sprintf( '/wp-content/blogs.dir/%d/files/', $blog_id );
* Get blogs.dir URL by blog ID
* @param integer $blog_id Blog ID
* @return string
function ai1wm_blog_blogsdir_url( $blog_id = null ) {
if ( ai1wm_is_mainsite( $blog_id ) ) {
return '/wp-content/uploads/';
return sprintf( '/wp-content/blogs.dir/%d/', $blog_id );
* Get sites URL by blog ID
* @param integer $blog_id Blog ID
* @return string
function ai1wm_blog_sites_url( $blog_id = null ) {
if ( ai1wm_is_mainsite( $blog_id ) ) {
return '/wp-content/uploads/';
return sprintf( '/wp-content/uploads/sites/%d/', $blog_id );
* Get uploads URL by blog ID
* @param integer $blog_id Blog ID
* @return string
function ai1wm_blog_uploads_url( $blog_id = null ) {
if ( ai1wm_is_mainsite( $blog_id ) ) {
return sprintf( '/%s/', ai1wm_get_uploads_path() );
return sprintf( '/%s/sites/%d/', ai1wm_get_uploads_path(), $blog_id );
* Get ServMask table prefix by blog ID
* @param integer $blog_id Blog ID
* @return string
function ai1wm_servmask_prefix( $blog_id = null ) {
if ( ai1wm_is_mainsite( $blog_id ) ) {
return AI1WM_TABLE_PREFIX . $blog_id . '_';
* Get WordPress table prefix by blog ID
* @param integer $blog_id Blog ID
* @return string
function ai1wm_table_prefix( $blog_id = null ) {
global $wpdb;
// Set base table prefix
if ( ai1wm_is_mainsite( $blog_id ) ) {
return $wpdb->base_prefix;
return $wpdb->base_prefix . $blog_id . '_';
* Get default content filters
* @param array $filters List of files and directories
* @return array
function ai1wm_content_filters( $filters = array() ) {
return array_merge(
* Get default plugin filters
* @param array $filters List of plugins
* @return array
function ai1wm_plugin_filters( $filters = array() ) {
return array_merge(
return $filters;
* Get active ServMask plugins
* @return array
function ai1wm_active_servmask_plugins( $plugins = array() ) {
// WP Migration Plugin
if ( defined( 'AI1WM_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) {
// Microsoft Azure Extension
if ( defined( 'AI1WMZE_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) {
// Backblaze B2 Extension
if ( defined( 'AI1WMAE_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) {
// Backup Plugin
if ( defined( 'AI1WMVE_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) {
// Box Extension
if ( defined( 'AI1WMBE_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) {
// DigitalOcean Spaces Extension
if ( defined( 'AI1WMIE_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) {
// Direct Extension
if ( defined( 'AI1WMXE_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) {
// Dropbox Extension
if ( defined( 'AI1WMDE_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) {
// File Extension
if ( defined( 'AI1WMTE_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) {
// FTP Extension
if ( defined( 'AI1WMFE_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) {
// Google Cloud Storage Extension
if ( defined( 'AI1WMCE_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) {
// Google Drive Extension
if ( defined( 'AI1WMGE_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) {
// Amazon Glacier Extension
if ( defined( 'AI1WMRE_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) {
// Mega Extension
if ( defined( 'AI1WMEE_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) {
// Multisite Extension
if ( defined( 'AI1WMME_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) {
// OneDrive Extension
if ( defined( 'AI1WMOE_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) {
// pCloud Extension
if ( defined( 'AI1WMPE_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) {
// Pro Plugin
if ( defined( 'AI1WMKE_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) {
// S3 Client Extension
if ( defined( 'AI1WMNE_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) {
// Amazon S3 Extension
if ( defined( 'AI1WMSE_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) {
// Unlimited Extension
if ( defined( 'AI1WMUE_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) {
// URL Extension
if ( defined( 'AI1WMLE_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) {
// WebDAV Extension
if ( defined( 'AI1WMWE_PLUGIN_BASENAME' ) ) {
return $plugins;
* Get active sitewide plugins
* @return array
function ai1wm_active_sitewide_plugins() {
return array_keys( get_site_option( AI1WM_ACTIVE_SITEWIDE_PLUGINS, array() ) );
* Get active plugins
* @return array
function ai1wm_active_plugins() {
return array_values( get_option( AI1WM_ACTIVE_PLUGINS, array() ) );
* Set active sitewide plugins (inspired by WordPress activate_plugins() function)
* @param array $plugins List of plugins
* @return boolean
function ai1wm_activate_sitewide_plugins( $plugins ) {
$current = get_site_option( AI1WM_ACTIVE_SITEWIDE_PLUGINS, array() );
// Add plugins
foreach ( $plugins as $plugin ) {
if ( ! isset( $current[ $plugin ] ) && ! is_wp_error( validate_plugin( $plugin ) ) ) {
$current[ $plugin ] = time();
return update_site_option( AI1WM_ACTIVE_SITEWIDE_PLUGINS, $current );
* Set active plugins (inspired by WordPress activate_plugins() function)
* @param array $plugins List of plugins
* @return boolean
function ai1wm_activate_plugins( $plugins ) {
$current = get_option( AI1WM_ACTIVE_PLUGINS, array() );
// Add plugins
foreach ( $plugins as $plugin ) {
if ( ! in_array( $plugin, $current ) && ! is_wp_error( validate_plugin( $plugin ) ) ) {
$current[] = $plugin;
return update_option( AI1WM_ACTIVE_PLUGINS, $current );
* Get active template
* @return string
function ai1wm_active_template() {
return get_option( AI1WM_ACTIVE_TEMPLATE );
* Get active stylesheet
* @return string
function ai1wm_active_stylesheet() {
return get_option( AI1WM_ACTIVE_STYLESHEET );
* Set active template
* @param string $template Template name
* @return boolean
function ai1wm_activate_template( $template ) {
return update_option( AI1WM_ACTIVE_TEMPLATE, $template );
* Set active stylesheet
* @param string $stylesheet Stylesheet name
* @return boolean
function ai1wm_activate_stylesheet( $stylesheet ) {
return update_option( AI1WM_ACTIVE_STYLESHEET, $stylesheet );
* Set inactive sitewide plugins (inspired by WordPress deactivate_plugins() function)
* @param array $plugins List of plugins
* @return boolean
function ai1wm_deactivate_sitewide_plugins( $plugins ) {
$current = get_site_option( AI1WM_ACTIVE_SITEWIDE_PLUGINS, array() );
// Add plugins
foreach ( $plugins as $plugin ) {
if ( isset( $current[ $plugin ] ) ) {
unset( $current[ $plugin ] );
return update_site_option( AI1WM_ACTIVE_SITEWIDE_PLUGINS, $current );
* Set inactive plugins (inspired by WordPress deactivate_plugins() function)
* @param array $plugins List of plugins
* @return boolean
function ai1wm_deactivate_plugins( $plugins ) {
$current = get_option( AI1WM_ACTIVE_PLUGINS, array() );
// Remove plugins
foreach ( $plugins as $plugin ) {
if ( ( $key = array_search( $plugin, $current ) ) !== false ) {
unset( $current[ $key ] );
return update_option( AI1WM_ACTIVE_PLUGINS, $current );
* Deactivate Jetpack modules
* @param array $modules List of modules
* @return boolean
function ai1wm_deactivate_jetpack_modules( $modules ) {
$current = get_option( AI1WM_JETPACK_ACTIVE_MODULES, array() );
// Remove modules
foreach ( $modules as $module ) {
if ( ( $key = array_search( $module, $current ) ) !== false ) {
unset( $current[ $key ] );
return update_option( AI1WM_JETPACK_ACTIVE_MODULES, $current );
* Deactivate Swift Optimizer rules
* @param array $rules List of rules
* @return boolean
function ai1wm_deactivate_swift_optimizer_rules( $rules ) {
$current = get_option( AI1WM_SWIFT_OPTIMIZER_PLUGIN_ORGANIZER, array() );
// Remove rules
foreach ( $rules as $rule ) {
unset( $current['rules'][ $rule ] );
return update_option( AI1WM_SWIFT_OPTIMIZER_PLUGIN_ORGANIZER, $current );
* Deactivate sitewide Revolution Slider
* @param string $basename Plugin basename
* @return boolean
function ai1wm_deactivate_sitewide_revolution_slider( $basename ) {
if ( ( $plugins = get_plugins() ) ) {
if ( isset( $plugins[ $basename ]['Version'] ) && ( $version = $plugins[ $basename ]['Version'] ) ) {
if ( version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '7.3', '>=' ) && version_compare( $version, '', '<' ) ) {
return ai1wm_deactivate_sitewide_plugins( array( $basename ) );
if ( version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '7.2', '>=' ) && version_compare( $version, '5.4.6', '<' ) ) {
return ai1wm_deactivate_sitewide_plugins( array( $basename ) );
if ( version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '7.1', '>=' ) && version_compare( $version, '5.4.1', '<' ) ) {
return ai1wm_deactivate_sitewide_plugins( array( $basename ) );
if ( version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '7.0', '>=' ) && version_compare( $version, '4.6.5', '<' ) ) {
return ai1wm_deactivate_sitewide_plugins( array( $basename ) );
return false;
* Deactivate Revolution Slider
* @param string $basename Plugin basename
* @return boolean
function ai1wm_deactivate_revolution_slider( $basename ) {
if ( ( $plugins = get_plugins() ) ) {
if ( isset( $plugins[ $basename ]['Version'] ) && ( $version = $plugins[ $basename ]['Version'] ) ) {
if ( version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '7.3', '>=' ) && version_compare( $version, '', '<' ) ) {
return ai1wm_deactivate_plugins( array( $basename ) );
if ( version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '7.2', '>=' ) && version_compare( $version, '5.4.6', '<' ) ) {
return ai1wm_deactivate_plugins( array( $basename ) );
if ( version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '7.1', '>=' ) && version_compare( $version, '5.4.1', '<' ) ) {
return ai1wm_deactivate_plugins( array( $basename ) );
if ( version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '7.0', '>=' ) && version_compare( $version, '4.6.5', '<' ) ) {
return ai1wm_deactivate_plugins( array( $basename ) );
return false;
* Initial DB version
* @return boolean
function ai1wm_initial_db_version() {
if ( ! get_option( AI1WM_DB_VERSION ) ) {
return update_option( AI1WM_DB_VERSION, get_option( AI1WM_INITIAL_DB_VERSION ) );
return false;
* Discover plugin basename
* @param string $basename Plugin basename
* @return string
function ai1wm_discover_plugin_basename( $basename ) {
if ( ( $plugins = get_plugins() ) ) {
foreach ( $plugins as $plugin => $info ) {
if ( strpos( dirname( $plugin ), dirname( $basename ) ) !== false ) {
if ( basename( $plugin ) === basename( $basename ) ) {
return $plugin;
return $basename;
* Validate plugin basename
* @param string $basename Plugin basename
* @return boolean
function ai1wm_validate_plugin_basename( $basename ) {
if ( ( $plugins = get_plugins() ) ) {
foreach ( $plugins as $plugin => $info ) {
if ( $plugin === $basename ) {
return true;
return false;
* Validate theme basename
* @param string $basename Theme basename
* @return boolean
function ai1wm_validate_theme_basename( $basename ) {
if ( ( $themes = search_theme_directories() ) ) {
foreach ( $themes as $theme => $info ) {
if ( $info['theme_file'] === $basename ) {
return true;
return false;
* Flush WP options cache
* @return void
function ai1wm_cache_flush() {
// Reset WP options cache
wp_cache_set( 'alloptions', array(), 'options' );
wp_cache_set( 'notoptions', array(), 'options' );
// Reset WP sitemeta cache
wp_cache_set( '1:notoptions', array(), 'site-options' );
wp_cache_set( '1:ms_files_rewriting', false, 'site-options' );
wp_cache_set( '1:active_sitewide_plugins', false, 'site-options' );
// Delete WP options cache
wp_cache_delete( 'alloptions', 'options' );
wp_cache_delete( 'notoptions', 'options' );
// Delete WP sitemeta cache
wp_cache_delete( '1:notoptions', 'site-options' );
wp_cache_delete( '1:ms_files_rewriting', 'site-options' );
wp_cache_delete( '1:active_sitewide_plugins', 'site-options' );
// Remove WP options filter
remove_all_filters( 'sanitize_option_home' );
remove_all_filters( 'sanitize_option_siteurl' );
remove_all_filters( 'default_site_option_ms_files_rewriting' );
* Flush Elementor cache
* @return void
function ai1wm_elementor_cache_flush() {
delete_post_meta_by_key( '_elementor_css' );
delete_option( '_elementor_global_css' );
delete_option( 'elementor-custom-breakpoints-files' );
* Set WooCommerce Force SSL checkout
* @param boolean $yes Force SSL checkout
* @return void
function ai1wm_woocommerce_force_ssl( $yes = true ) {
if ( get_option( 'woocommerce_force_ssl_checkout' ) ) {
if ( $yes ) {
update_option( 'woocommerce_force_ssl_checkout', 'yes' );
} else {
update_option( 'woocommerce_force_ssl_checkout', 'no' );
* Set URL scheme
* @param string $url URL value
* @param string $scheme URL scheme
* @return string
function ai1wm_url_scheme( $url, $scheme = '' ) {
if ( empty( $scheme ) ) {
return preg_replace( '#^\w+://#', '//', $url );
return preg_replace( '#^\w+://#', $scheme . '://', $url );
* Opens a file in specified mode
* @param string $file Path to the file to open
* @param string $mode Mode in which to open the file
* @return resource
* @throws Ai1wm_Not_Accessible_Exception
function ai1wm_open( $file, $mode ) {
$file_handle = @fopen( $file, $mode );
if ( false === $file_handle ) {
throw new Ai1wm_Not_Accessible_Exception( sprintf( __( 'Unable to open %s with mode %s. Technical details ', AI1WM_PLUGIN_NAME ), $file, $mode ) );
return $file_handle;
* Write contents to a file
* @param resource $handle File handle to write to
* @param string $content Contents to write to the file
* @return integer
* @throws Ai1wm_Not_Writable_Exception
* @throws Ai1wm_Quota_Exceeded_Exception
function ai1wm_write( $handle, $content ) {
$write_result = @fwrite( $handle, $content );
if ( false === $write_result ) {
if ( ( $meta = stream_get_meta_data( $handle ) ) ) {
throw new Ai1wm_Not_Writable_Exception( sprintf( __( 'Unable to write to: %s. Technical details ', AI1WM_PLUGIN_NAME ), $meta['uri'] ) );
} elseif ( strlen( $content ) !== $write_result ) {
if ( ( $meta = stream_get_meta_data( $handle ) ) ) {
throw new Ai1wm_Quota_Exceeded_Exception( sprintf( __( 'Out of disk space. Unable to write to: %s. Technical details ', AI1WM_PLUGIN_NAME ), $meta['uri'] ) );
return $write_result;
* Read contents from a file
* @param resource $handle File handle to read from
* @param string $filesize File size
* @return integer
* @throws Ai1wm_Not_Readable_Exception
function ai1wm_read( $handle, $filesize ) {
$read_result = @fread( $handle, $filesize );
if ( false === $read_result ) {
if ( ( $meta = stream_get_meta_data( $handle ) ) ) {
throw new Ai1wm_Not_Readable_Exception( sprintf( __( 'Unable to read file: %s. Technical details ', AI1WM_PLUGIN_NAME ), $meta['uri'] ) );
return $read_result;
* Seeks on a file pointer
* @param string $handle File handle to seeks
* @return integer
function ai1wm_seek( $handle, $offset, $mode = SEEK_SET ) {
$seek_result = @fseek( $handle, $offset, $mode );
if ( -1 === $seek_result ) {
if ( ( $meta = stream_get_meta_data( $handle ) ) ) {
throw new Ai1wm_Not_Seekable_Exception( sprintf( __( 'Unable to seek to offset %d on %s. Technical details ', AI1WM_PLUGIN_NAME ), $offset, $meta['uri'] ) );
return $seek_result;
* Tells on a file pointer
* @param string $handle File handle to tells
* @return integer
function ai1wm_tell( $handle ) {
$tell_result = @ftell( $handle );
if ( false === $tell_result ) {
if ( ( $meta = stream_get_meta_data( $handle ) ) ) {
throw new Ai1wm_Not_Tellable_Exception( sprintf( __( 'Unable to get current pointer position of %s. Technical details ', AI1WM_PLUGIN_NAME ), $meta['uri'] ) );
return $tell_result;
* Closes a file handle
* @param resource $handle File handle to close
* @return boolean
function ai1wm_close( $handle ) {
return @fclose( $handle );
* Deletes a file
* @param string $file Path to file to delete
* @return boolean
function ai1wm_unlink( $file ) {
return @unlink( $file );
* Sets modification time of a file
* @param string $file Path to file to change modification time
* @param integer $time File modification time
* @return boolean
function ai1wm_touch( $file, $mtime ) {
return @touch( $file, $mtime );
* Changes file mode
* @param string $file Path to file to change mode
* @param integer $time File mode
* @return boolean
function ai1wm_chmod( $file, $mode ) {
return @chmod( $file, $mode );
* Copies one file's contents to another
* @param string $source_file File to copy the contents from
* @param string $destination_file File to copy the contents to
function ai1wm_copy( $source_file, $destination_file ) {
$source_handle = ai1wm_open( $source_file, 'rb' );
$destination_handle = ai1wm_open( $destination_file, 'ab' );
while ( $buffer = ai1wm_read( $source_handle, 4096 ) ) {
ai1wm_write( $destination_handle, $buffer );
ai1wm_close( $source_handle );
ai1wm_close( $destination_handle );
* Check whether file size is supported by current PHP version
* @param string $file Path to file
* @param integer $php_int_size Size of PHP integer
* @return boolean $php_int_max Max value of PHP integer
function ai1wm_is_filesize_supported( $file, $php_int_size = PHP_INT_SIZE, $php_int_max = PHP_INT_MAX ) {
$size_result = true;
// Check whether file size is less than 2GB in PHP 32bits
if ( $php_int_size === 4 ) {
if ( ( $file_handle = @fopen( $file, 'r' ) ) ) {
if ( @fseek( $file_handle, $php_int_max, SEEK_SET ) !== -1 ) {
if ( @fgetc( $file_handle ) !== false ) {
$size_result = false;
@fclose( $file_handle );
return $size_result;
* Check whether file name is supported by All-in-One WP Migration
* @param string $file Path to file
* @param array $extensions File extensions
* @return boolean
function ai1wm_is_filename_supported( $file, $extensions = array( 'wpress' ) ) {
if ( in_array( pathinfo( $file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION ), $extensions ) ) {
return true;
return false;
* Verify secret key
* @param string $secret_key Secret key
* @return boolean
* @throws Ai1wm_Not_Valid_Secret_Key_Exception
function ai1wm_verify_secret_key( $secret_key ) {
if ( $secret_key !== get_option( AI1WM_SECRET_KEY ) ) {
throw new Ai1wm_Not_Valid_Secret_Key_Exception( __( 'Unable to authenticate the secret key. Technical details ', AI1WM_PLUGIN_NAME ) );
return true;
* Is scheduled backup?
* @return boolean
function ai1wm_is_scheduled_backup() {
if ( isset( $_GET['ai1wm_manual_export'] ) || isset( $_POST['ai1wm_manual_export'] ) ) {
return false;
if ( isset( $_GET['ai1wm_manual_import'] ) || isset( $_POST['ai1wm_manual_import'] ) ) {
return false;
if ( isset( $_GET['ai1wm_manual_restore'] ) || isset( $_POST['ai1wm_manual_restore'] ) ) {
return false;
return true;
* PHP setup environment
* @return void
function ai1wm_setup_environment() {
// Set whether a client disconnect should abort script execution
@ignore_user_abort( true );
// Set maximum execution time
@set_time_limit( 0 );
// Set maximum time in seconds a script is allowed to parse input data
@ini_set( 'max_input_time', '-1' );
// Set maximum backtracking steps
@ini_set( 'pcre.backtrack_limit', PHP_INT_MAX );
// Set binary safe encoding
if ( @function_exists( 'mb_internal_encoding' ) && ( @ini_get( 'mbstring.func_overload' ) & 2 ) ) {
@mb_internal_encoding( 'ISO-8859-1' );
// Clean (erase) the output buffer and turn off output buffering
if ( @ob_get_length() ) {
// Set error handler
@set_error_handler( 'Ai1wm_Handler::error' );
// Set shutdown handler
@register_shutdown_function( 'Ai1wm_Handler::shutdown' );
* Get WordPress time zone string
* @return string
function ai1wm_get_timezone_string() {
if ( ( $timezone_string = get_option( 'timezone_string' ) ) ) {
return $timezone_string;
if ( ( $gmt_offset = get_option( 'gmt_offset' ) ) ) {
if ( $gmt_offset > 0 ) {
return sprintf( 'UTC+%s', abs( $gmt_offset ) );
} elseif ( $gmt_offset < 0 ) {
return sprintf( 'UTC-%s', abs( $gmt_offset ) );
return 'UTC';
* Get WordPress filter hooks
* @param string $tag The name of the filter hook
* @return array
function ai1wm_get_filters( $tag ) {
global $wp_filter;
// Get WordPress filter hooks
$filters = array();
if ( isset( $wp_filter[ $tag ] ) ) {
if ( ( $filters = $wp_filter[ $tag ] ) ) {
// WordPress 4.7 introduces new class for working with filters/actions called WP_Hook
// which adds another level of abstraction and we need to address it.
if ( isset( $filters->callbacks ) ) {
$filters = $filters->callbacks;
ksort( $filters );
return $filters;
* Get WordPress plugins directory
* @return string
function ai1wm_get_plugins_dir() {
return untrailingslashit( WP_PLUGIN_DIR );
* Get WordPress uploads directory
* @return string
function ai1wm_get_uploads_dir() {
if ( ( $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir() ) ) {
if ( isset( $upload_dir['basedir'] ) ) {
return untrailingslashit( $upload_dir['basedir'] );
* Get WordPress uploads URL
* @return string
function ai1wm_get_uploads_url() {
if ( ( $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir() ) ) {
if ( isset( $upload_dir['baseurl'] ) ) {
return trailingslashit( $upload_dir['baseurl'] );
* Get WordPress uploads path
* @return string
function ai1wm_get_uploads_path() {
if ( ( $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir() ) ) {
if ( isset( $upload_dir['basedir'] ) ) {
return str_replace( ABSPATH, '', $upload_dir['basedir'] );
* i18n friendly version of basename()
* @param string $path File path
* @param string $suffix If the filename ends in suffix this will also be cut off
* @return string
function ai1wm_basename( $path, $suffix = '' ) {
return urldecode( basename( str_replace( array( '%2F', '%5C' ), '/', urlencode( $path ) ), $suffix ) );
* i18n friendly version of dirname()
* @param string $path File path
* @return string
function ai1wm_dirname( $path ) {
return urldecode( dirname( str_replace( array( '%2F', '%5C' ), '/', urlencode( $path ) ) ) );
* Replace forward slash with current directory separator
* @param string $path Path
* @return string
function ai1wm_replace_forward_slash_with_directory_separator( $path ) {
return str_replace( '/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path );
* Replace current directory separator with forward slash
* @param string $path Path
* @return string
function ai1wm_replace_directory_separator_with_forward_slash( $path ) {
return str_replace( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $path );
* Escape Windows directory separator
* @param string $path Path
* @return string
function ai1wm_escape_windows_directory_separator( $path ) {
return preg_replace( '/[\\\\]+/', '\\\\\\\\', $path );
* Should reset WordPress permalinks?
* @param array $params Request parameters
* @return boolean
function ai1wm_should_reset_permalinks( $params ) {
global $wp_rewrite, $is_apache;
// Permalinks are not supported
if ( empty( $params['using_permalinks'] ) ) {
if ( $wp_rewrite->using_permalinks() ) {
if ( $is_apache ) {
if ( ! apache_mod_loaded( 'mod_rewrite', false ) ) {
return true;
return false;
* Get .htaccess file content
* @return string
function ai1wm_get_htaccess() {
if ( is_file( AI1WM_WORDPRESS_HTACCESS ) ) {
return @file_get_contents( AI1WM_WORDPRESS_HTACCESS );
* Get web.config file content
* @return string
function ai1wm_get_webconfig() {
if ( is_file( AI1WM_WORDPRESS_WEBCONFIG ) ) {
return @file_get_contents( AI1WM_WORDPRESS_WEBCONFIG );
* Get available space on filesystem or disk partition
* @param string $path Directory of the filesystem or disk partition
* @return mixed
function ai1wm_disk_free_space( $path ) {
if ( function_exists( 'disk_free_space' ) ) {
return @disk_free_space( $path );
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